16 February 2011

Through the PhD Program Process

I figured it might be a good idea to get some thoughts down as I go through the acceptance/rejection of graduate programs.

I found out today that I did not get into Ohio State. While I wasn't super thrilled about their program, I wanted it to have the option. I wanted to know that I could go be at school with Dave. While that wasn't how I would pick a program, I wanted to know that it WAS an option.

I still have 8 schools I'm waiting for, but decisions are coming much faster than I first thought. Apparently people have heard from University of Chicago, San Diego, and Virginia already. I haven't. I'm not sure how to take that yet, but it probably isn't a very good sign. Yes, I've become masochistic and I'm obsessively checking my online applications and gradcafe.com to see when other people hear and how.

Based on some things I've seen and read, I'm most worried about my GRE scores. Which just makes me more angry because standardized test scores tell nothing! They tell how much you make and how well you can take a test (and how you understand certain questions which are framed in a certain way to favor certain people)! Is taking a test the most important part of a graduate degree? Not really...

I knew I should've been afraid of not getting in anywhere...

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