16 February 2009

It's always about the problems

(I always feel like I have to have a witty title for the "Title" of the blog post...)

Problems today - at least the major ones:
1) CET Academics China Program
2) Housing

1. CET Academics
There are a couple problems with this one. I got a call today from CET asking that they wanted to talk briefly about my application. I knew this was bad news - if I were flat out accepted, they would have said so. They lady, Jean, said that I had been accepted to the program, but that CET was a little worried. My Chinese essay was weaker than they would have liked. They noticed my high GPA and other things and said they would be willing to accept me. However, I would have to work harder than the other students. Both before I left and when I got there. I would probably be spending more time preparing for class than the other students. Where they would spend 1 hour, I will need to spend 2. They just wanted to make sure that I was up to the challenge.
So I have to ask myself? Am I up for it. I'm nervous, excited, anxious - all in one. Do I think I can do it? I hope so. I think so. But do I know so? Well, it can't be worse than Japan, can it?
I clicked commit on my online application, and now I have so much stuff to do! This is where the next problem arises: CET wants me to send them my passport so they can process my visa to China. Umm...well, yeah...I'm going to London in a month and I kinda need my passport.
So I have to figure out how to get my Visa to China. I think tomorrow I'm going to e-mail CET and see what they recommend. I may have to apply for expediated services though for my Visa, since we don't have a consulate in Orlando. Damn. I may have to get it in the UK, but I'm afraid that I will have to be a U.K. citizen and well...I'm not.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

2) Housing
I signed up today for Housing. I was hoping (and yes, a little hopefully) that I would be able to sign up in Myers and that I could reserve a space for Shannon. Not the case. Myers was filled up. So I looked through O'House and Soule, both of which had plenty of spots open. I picked one in Soule, and tried to reserve a space for Shannon. Couldn't. Call Shannon - tell her what I did, blah blah blah.
I check later, about an hour ago now, to see how many spaces are still left. None. I have a roommate listed - someone I don't know. And there are absolutly no spots.
So now what do I do?
Do I live on-campus, which is more convient for me, with a person that I don't know yet again. OR do I go live off-campus with Shannon? That way, we're living together and what-not. However, the location could suck. And I'll probably be driving everywhere. And, if I study in D.C. in the Spring, I'll have to find a sub-leaser.

What do I do?!

I am suddenly bombarded with lots of questions and problems.

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