10 June 2008

flashcard colors

I'm trying to make Japanese flashcards right now so that I can study. And I feel like I'm getting no where. I have Dave's Japanese 1001 book, but they use hiragana/katakana rather than romanji, so I can't understand it. I know about three characters in hiragana. hahaha. I guess I should study that more. But part of me thinks that I should just study romanji and speech.

I really need to start studying about 2 hours a day. Who knows if that'll even happen.

I haven't even gotten through one book for my CMLT class or my INTL research class. Of course, I'm waiting on 3 INTL books, but that's not the point. I haven't even looked at Chinese, either to review or to learn (because I still have to learn Ch 18-22 during the break).

I'm very apathetic right now. I just...don't want to do anything. Dave didn't talk to me last night or this morning/afternoon. I guess that could be it? How pathetic.

I'm trying to get two scholarships out, and I know I will one, but I don't know about the other.

How pathetic.

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