20 June 2008

you just have to find the right balance

Well, it's over.

It was a wonderful week and I learned a ton of information. I'm still unsure about some things, but I mostly support the Free-Market now. I'd like to read some critics on it, just so that I know how to defend it. I think it's a very middle-of-the-road kind of thing that we did here: some intense, "conservative" markets, but very "liberal" social/environmental change.

For the recond, look up "bio-cities," especially Masdor City in UAE. Then we can talk.

I certainly am going to miss some of the people here. Certainly not all, but I was just opening up and really becoming "friends" with some people here. And people remembered my name! Even the faculty did! It was quite amazing. I would really like to do an internship with either IHS or the CATO Institue in DC either one summer or semester. I think I'm going to have to add that on my "things to do" list.

They gave up some good advice in life too. And frankly, I'm so glad I came. Plus, I got a ton of free stuff. No shit. A lot.

Dad comes tomorrow at 10 to pick me up, and breakfast at 8.30, so I should go to bed soon. I was at the social for a little bit, but it was getting really hot and my stomach is acting really funny.

I'm so nervous about Japan. When I get back to Brawley, and in the car tomorrow, that's really all I need to do. Read Japanese and work on excercises. I really need to not sound like a complete moron when I go over there. But it's going to be so hard with 4 new books to read! And I have such a list of books to GET to.


I did also get $20 for one of the "projects" we did. Sweet deal there.

I'm definitely going to shamelessly plug IHS when I get back.

P.S. I didn't do a presentation, but that's ok. I am going to e-mail Michael Floyd about something, and that's going to be my big project for now. It also got REALLY nice and warm here the past two days. Ohhh! It was so very, very nice.

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