06 February 2010

DC snow is the best snow of all

I'm not sure how much this post is actually going to talk about snow or DC or anything that I've done for the past year (well, for March through July of 2009, see my other blog Travels in Time). I may just rant, I may make sense. Who knows.

I found out, in rapid succession, that two people I knew in high school (one of them asked me out, the other is a girl) are engaged. Planning weddings. I don't know why I find it so crazy. I think mostly it's that I'm jealous, or afraid in some way. But I feel so young! I mean, I'm not even 21 yet! And some of these people engaged are younger than me! I would not want to get married before I could order liquor.

But Dave and I have been dating for more than 5 years now. And now he might be going to Ohio State for a PhD program in Linguistics. It's a great opportunity. Fully funded for five years. But I'm not going to Ohio. It's just about the worst place for me to go. There's really nothing IA/FSO related in Ohio. And it's still a good 5 hours from DC. We could only do that trip once a month - maybe. If we're not broke poor.

But can I ask Dave to give up what's best for him to be with me? And what if we did get engaged?

It really doesn't matter - there are more important things. Aren't there?

Like all this work to do. I have "On War" to finish for tomorrow's Grand Strategy meeting. Individual research to delve deeper into from last semester. Journals for one class. Readings for another (though I could get away with no reading them if I needed to). 6 more economics lessons left (though I have until September to finish it). Fellowships. Scholarships. Internships. Summer. Fall.

Goodness, too much to do. Always for me. I'm going to be one of those 24/7 work types - which, if I'm doing what I want to be doing, would be the time of my life. Kind of sucks for my personal life though.

I guess we'll see, won't we blog?

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