19 February 2010

Ultra-Conservatives are Ultra-Stupid

CPAC is meeting once again.

The article says so itself: this used to be where the ultra-right came together every year. Now, it's where any Republican who wants a chance to preen himself can go and speak - and the majority of them do.

My biggest upset with this whole thing is absolutely how ridiculous the Conservatives are becoming in my eyes. As I said in my previous post, they are pushing me further from their ideals because they ARE the "party of no." All I see is them sitting there, preening, talking nothing, and attacking the Presidency. I don't like Congress. I don't think government has all the answers. But they are just being riduclous and self-congragulatory. I hope they get demolished in the prelims and election season because they deserve another kick to their egos.

These couple of paragraphs, quotes from speakers, anger me the most:
"'Before we move away from this 'no' epithet the Democrats are fond of applying to us, let's ask the Obama folks why they say no -- no to a balanced budget (Comment: Wait, didn't the President set up a nonpartisan, third-party committee to balance the budget by 2012? Yeah, that seems like a "no" to me to Romney.) , no to reforming entitlements, no to malpractice reform, no to missile defense in Eastern Europe (This has to do with diplomacy and power in the international realm - something Republicans REFUSE to understand.) , no to prosecuting Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a military tribunal (It's a thing called "human rights," unfortuently, and we signed the Geneva Convention on it. Again, world politics.), and no to tax cuts that create new jobs. (Did you even listen to the State of the Union, Romney?) '
"After distancing himself from the Bush administration during his 2008 campaign, Romney on Thursday defended the Bush-Cheney record, drawing hearty applause from the audience.(hypocrite.) "I am convinced that history will judge President Bush far more kindly,"(not if my generation is writing it.) he said, adding: "He kept us safe.(except for that 9/11 attack and not capturing Osama Bin Laden, right? I felt so much safer back then, you're right...) I respect his silence even in the face of the assaults on his record that come from this administration. But at the same time, I also respect the loyalty and indefatigable defense of truth that comes from our 'I-don't-give-a-damn' vice president Dick Cheney.(Dick Cheney is an idiot when it comes to world politics and international affairs. He's a neo-conservatists, which just means to me that he likes war for the sake of war. Preemption, the fall of human rights, and expansionism isn't what I like. I don't give a damn about him.)"


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